Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy Times

It's been hectic at our house but that doesn't mean we don't stop to have some fun.  Whether that is climbing into pillowcases and letting daddy carry us around or hugging each other so tight that we start laughing, or just being the coolest guy in town.  We have a good time.
Jennsen has begun speaking Spanish thanks to Dora the Explorer.  I gave her a drink yesterday and she responded with "Gracias mama".  Then she turned to her dad and said "want some too, papi?"  Since then she calls dad Papi (I think that's how you spell it), and responds with "gracias" instead of "thank you".  She is quite the little crack up.
Colin is doing well in school.  He can say the entire pledge of allegiance and can count all the way to 39.