Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ben's Birthday Party/Halloween Celebration

So because Ben's Birthday comes the day after Halloween we often celebrate his birthday with costumes :) This year we had a Birthday party, in costume and went outside to pick the Apple Trees clean. It was a riot.
Daddy opening presents.

Jennsen helping us pick apples by using one of the buckets as a hat, and eating a doughnut. She is so helpful :)

When we headed outside to pick apples, Jennsen stopped by the garage to have a ride on the lawn-mower. She is the prettiest Fairy-Bug that ever did yard work.

Colin went to the party as a Newsie.

Do you think they look alike?

Ben's brother Scott was dressed as a Logan Farmer. We found all kinds of overgrown vegetables when we went to pick apples so Scott gladly modeled them for us. This is a raddish.

A pumpkin/tomato (yep a pumpkin and tomato baby, not on purpose). Ben really did take a few bites out of it. It wasn't very good.

Another Raddish.

This is what inspired taking pictures of vegatables. Scott and Julie gave Ben this for his birthday. What is it you ask? It's an "Heirloom Blue Hubbard Squash". What?! Yep. Scott and Julie stopped by a roadside vegatable stand and saw this (by far the ugliest thing they saw) and immediately bought it for Ben. After they got in the car they realized they had no idea what it was so they went back and asked. An "Heirloom Blue Hubbard Squash". It's supposed to have a great shelf life.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bright Eyed and Wonderful

Did anybody know that Jennsen loves stuffed animals? She always has to sleep with her snow white doll, who she calls "nose".

Colin and Jennsen are both getting better at sharing and taking turns. I love playing with them outside (can't really do much of that anymore) because they get so happy, and they become the best behaved little kids you have ever met.

Life has been a little crazy and I don't think that anything can describe how the last couple of months have gone, except for this little face.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Good Morning!

This is a common facial expression for Jennsen Rae. She is full of them. She always makes us laugh. I always was mad that I could never catch it on camera, but now I've gotten pretty good.

I was trying to get the kids up and ready for the day but Colin was out cold still and cuddled up to a large monkey, so before I woke him up and let him realize what he was doing, I took a picture so he can never forget it :)

Obviously he was pretty embaressed when he found out.

If you think that my kids are just adorable, I've added this picture. Good Morning Jennsen!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't Walk Away

So I never walk away from a bathtub with my little ones in it. But Colin is now 3 and sometimes I will go grab something or throw a diaper away if it is only him in the tub. I had just finished washing Jennsen and got her in her jammies. She likes to talk to Colin while he's in the tub so I walked away for a moment and came back into the bathroom to find this.....

The best part was that the top part of Jennsen was not wet, meaning that she somehow got into the tub without getting wet from the chest up

Friday, April 8, 2011


I was recently going through the pictures on my computer and I couldn't help loving these old pictures. Colin eating popcorn with Daddy and Grandpa.
This is Colin when he was about 6-7 months old, when we were living in Vernal.
The day we brought Jennsen home from the hospital. She was so tiny, and Colin was so sweet to her.
Colin at 18 months. It helps to go back and remember these fleeting moments. It makes me appreciate all the new ones I'm having now.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas friends and family! Christmas was great this year, we got to spend time with a lot of family and we got to spend a lot of time with each other (which has been rare this last semester). Colin and Jennsen were apparently really good this year (actually not really a surprise, they are complete angels, how did we ever get so lucky?), they got lots of great presents. On Christmas morning Colin woke up grumpy but the second he saw new toys he was ready for a good day.
There's nothing like doing a good ABC puzzle together!
The one problem with Christmas is that I always want to spoil my kids. If you had this kid looking up at you like this all the time, wouldn't you want to spoil him too?!

Jennsen got a new best friend for Christmas. This is Snow White and they do everything together. Eat, sleep, chase brother around the house. Jennsen always wraps her arm around snow and holds her or she grabs one hand, it is the cutest thing ever. Thanks Mac!