Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crazy Times

It's been hectic at our house but that doesn't mean we don't stop to have some fun.  Whether that is climbing into pillowcases and letting daddy carry us around or hugging each other so tight that we start laughing, or just being the coolest guy in town.  We have a good time.
Jennsen has begun speaking Spanish thanks to Dora the Explorer.  I gave her a drink yesterday and she responded with "Gracias mama".  Then she turned to her dad and said "want some too, papi?"  Since then she calls dad Papi (I think that's how you spell it), and responds with "gracias" instead of "thank you".  She is quite the little crack up.
Colin is doing well in school.  He can say the entire pledge of allegiance and can count all the way to 39.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

I told her it was a bad idea

So Jennsen has this Snow White costume that she has forgotten about for a long time.  But she recently discovered it again and has wanted to wear it.  She was walking around and then I noticed that she had decided to eat an apple and I couldn't resist taking pictures of it.  It seems to me that you are bringing on bad luck if you are dressing up as Snow White and eating apples.  Luckily the worst thing that happened because of it was that Jennsen didn't want to finish her apple.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Summer is beginning!!!

With the weather being so nice we have spent more time outside. The kids love that!
Colin often poses for me when I have the camera. This is one of his favorites.
We spotted a helicopter, it was so awesome.
When we're outside, the kids are so loving. It's pretty cute.
See what I mean!
Watch this progression of Jennsen's. She is playing with Daddy when suddenly he takes off running.
I thought that that was so funny! Her little surprised face and then the determination to catch him.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Naughty or Nice?!

So.... you are probably wondering why Jennsen is making this face.....
Yep. Jennsen bit the head off of this styrofoam duck. Jennsen can be a sweetie pie but every now and then she does something that makes you're eyebrows furrow in confusion.
But here she is being as sweet and cute as can be. I was getting ready for a play and Jennsen shows up like this at the doorway and says "Bye, Mommy." Apparently she was going somewhere.
See, they are being so sweet and hugging each other. Right before I took this picture Jennsen was sitting on the coach and there was a scary part of the movie so Colin came and sat behind her and gave her a hug to make sure she was safe.
And here is Colin taking a nap after reading a book. (He's not wearing a shirt cause we were working on potty-training that day).
Overall I feel like I got pretty lucky with these two. They are so sweet and mello.

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Family of Characters

These are the characters that I have to put up with :), these two are pretty funny. If your wondering what that picture of Colin in a stroller on a bed is, well we found him like that. And, yes, it is a doll stroller. He set it up on the bed and had a seat. Life is good when you hang out with kids like this! Colin can now spell his own name and he can spell Dad. We are now working on spelling Mom and Jennsen. Jennsen wants to spell too, and she is getting pretty good. She tries to spell her own name, which according to her is spelled Jencnn. So she is suprisingly close.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Go NFL!!

So as many of you know, me and Ben are big time NFL fans. We have been watching the playoffs and being completely ridiculous with our cheering.

So Colin got out the football to show us that he was a big fan too.

The last couple of games we were dancing and singing with cheers (49ers beat the Steelers!!! and the Giants beat Green Bay!!!!!!) Colin and Jennsen were even more excited than we were because there is nothing greater than your parents completely losing it.

Jennsen wants you to remember that she's a fan too :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ben's Birthday Party/Halloween Celebration

So because Ben's Birthday comes the day after Halloween we often celebrate his birthday with costumes :) This year we had a Birthday party, in costume and went outside to pick the Apple Trees clean. It was a riot.
Daddy opening presents.

Jennsen helping us pick apples by using one of the buckets as a hat, and eating a doughnut. She is so helpful :)

When we headed outside to pick apples, Jennsen stopped by the garage to have a ride on the lawn-mower. She is the prettiest Fairy-Bug that ever did yard work.

Colin went to the party as a Newsie.

Do you think they look alike?

Ben's brother Scott was dressed as a Logan Farmer. We found all kinds of overgrown vegetables when we went to pick apples so Scott gladly modeled them for us. This is a raddish.

A pumpkin/tomato (yep a pumpkin and tomato baby, not on purpose). Ben really did take a few bites out of it. It wasn't very good.

Another Raddish.

This is what inspired taking pictures of vegatables. Scott and Julie gave Ben this for his birthday. What is it you ask? It's an "Heirloom Blue Hubbard Squash". What?! Yep. Scott and Julie stopped by a roadside vegatable stand and saw this (by far the ugliest thing they saw) and immediately bought it for Ben. After they got in the car they realized they had no idea what it was so they went back and asked. An "Heirloom Blue Hubbard Squash". It's supposed to have a great shelf life.
